Since 1964 the Montana Retail Association (MRA) has played an important role for business by providing representation in the halls of the Montana Legislature. We provide expert testimony in hearings and lobby the legislators on your behalf. We also offer cost-effective member benefits that save the participating members significant sums of money.
The MRA is comprised of retailers of all sizes, from locally owned retailers (95% of the membership) to large national chains. The MRA is also the umbrella organization for three other industry-specific associations:
The MRA Board of Directors is comprised of two representatives from each of the other three associations that we manage (6 directors), plus five from the MRA membership, for a total of eleven directors. The board meets twice each year to discuss strategic legislative directions, new member benefit proposals, and to set the policies and budgets for the coming year. Please visit our Member Benefits page for information on the various endorsed provider programs that are available to our members. The MRA is also affiliated with a number of national organizations to assure that the voice of business is heard in Washington, DC. These organizations include those listed below, as well as other retail associations. |